Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas at the Beach

On Christmas afternoon, we decided to do a very Californian thing and go to the beach in Santa Monica. It was a beautiful day.

I didn't want to catch a reflection of myself in Ben's sunglasses, so I told him to turn to the side. He looks a little like he is trying out for the J. Crew catalog here, don't you think?

We walked all the way down to the water.

Peter liked checking things out from up the air.

Afterwards, we went up to the park on the bluff that overlooks the ocean and did outdoor tummy time and lots of kicking around.

Peter has finally discovered his feet and grabs them all the time.

It was a perfect way to spend Christmas afternoon.

1 comment:

mini and brother said...

Merry Christmas! Wish you were in CR. Peter is a hunk.