Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Peter's New Room

This past weekend, Ben and I went to IKEA in Burbank to pick up a few things for Peter's room. We thought he deserved a bedroom / playroom rather than a guest room with a crib in it.

We found this rug, which seemed like a really cool place for Peter to play with all of his cars, tucks and trains.

It's been fun to have the table and chairs in his room, mostly because Peter doesn't really know how to get down, yet.

This frog holds lots of toys!

The bookcase isn't new, but the location is. It is also the only place in the room that is high enough that Peter can't reach it, which is why all of the electronics in the entire room are on it. Not so attractive. I could use some ideas for another solution. Maybe Peter doesn't have to sleep with a sound machine AND a fan?

Peter has a great time playing computer games in his new room!

1 comment:

Sarah Richardson said...

Cutest room ever! Love the makeover! Peter looks very happy sitting at his new table. :)