Friday, July 15, 2011

We love the park! And ice cream! And friends!

Peter, Clara and I went to meet some of Peter's friends and their moms today at the park.

It was a beautiful day and the kiddos all got to eat ice cream. Peter had already finished his by the time this picture was taken. I wonder where he gets that.

Hi, Eyal! Doesn't he look cute? And sticky?

Another sweetheart, Lauren, and her mom.

No matter how much she tried, Eyal's mom could not keep that popsicle from dripping everywhere.

Hey, mister cool dude. What cha doin?

Hooray for ice cream!

Little dudes.

Cute friends.

1 comment:

Nonnie/Mom said...

Don't cut his hair. I want to see his curls again when you're in Michigan.