Saturday, December 17, 2011


When Ben picked Peter up from school on Friday, he was dressed head to toe in red fleece and looked like Tony Soprano. 

These pictures were in his backpack. 

How cute is this group? I love that the woman who runs Peter's school took the time to get little matching outfits for all of the kids and had them learn a couple of songs together. I think this is "Jingle Bells". 

Peter is right between his two favorite friends, Lucy and Lucy. 

Close-up of Tony - I mean, Peter. 

 Meanwhile, while Peter was a school, Clara and I hung out at home and practiced crawling.

"OK, time how long it takes me to get from here...

 ... all the way over here." (10 seconds)


Dorothy said...

Adorable. I love the red. They look like a Nebraska cheer section. (led by Tony Soprano)
And Clara is too cute for words.

Anonymous said...

ditto Grandma Dorothy. Two adorable children who are too cute for words.

Sarah Richardson said...

So cute. I love Peter's expression in the first pic. Clara is too cute!!!!!