Peter and Clara had school pictures taken the other day. I didn't think anything of it until I got the link to the photos.
Holy moly, this is really cute stuff!
Ben and I have never had professional photos taken of our children, but now after I have seen these I want to do it about once a month.
This photo is of Peter's class. Peter is in the light blue shirt in the front. It is not the best pic of him, but I love seeing all of his friends and his teachers.
It makes me think of my own preschool photo and how much I love looking at it and seeing old friends. (I am in the middle of row two with my hand held up to my chin.)
I mean, come on. How cute is this?
Peter is so strangely posed in this one, but I can also totally see his personality coming through so it makes me love it despite the awkwardness.
Cute. Too bad it looks like he's missing an arm.
Here is Clara's class. She was not as photogenic as her brother. She looks worried in every picture. Still cute, just worried.
"Wait, what do you want me to do?"
"I don't know who you are lady, but I am not smiling."
"Okay... are we ready to go yet?"
Oh these are adorable! And your preschool pic too FTW!
Ha! Thank you. And thank you for the new acronym. I had to look up FTW. I feel cooler now.
I want a copy of each one, please. I think your children are adorable whether they smile or not. How in the world did you get a picture of your pre-school class? I have one in a photo album, but have you always had a copy too?
Very fun pictures.
Love, love, love these school photos. Annabelle, you were adorable.
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