Monday, November 26, 2012

Visiting Santa

We visited Santa this weekend. I tried my best to prep both kids so that they would be excited to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. We even did a test run at home. Peter wants a policeman helmet and Clara wants a truck. (We've really got to get a few more girl toys around this house.)

When we got to Santa's workshop, Clara was a little uncertain about sitting with Santa, so we tried to get her warmed up by sitting on her dad's lap next to Santa. Can you see the nervousness in her expression?

After a few minutes of sitting next to Santa and talking, we thought she was ready to move over to Santa's lap.

She was not. 

Poor girl. 

Peter was unfazed by the whole ordeal, and after Clara left he spent quite a while telling Santa about the policeman helmet and questioning why Santa was giving out marshmallows instead of candy canes as treats. 

Happy Holidays! 


Sarah Richardson said...

Adorable. I love that Peter hung out to chat some more. So funny!!! I see he's wearing his favorite "shoes, shoes, shoes...yeah" :)

Anonymous said...

Poor Clara, but she'll be all over Santa next year for sure. Peter is enjoying every minute of his monologue.