Saturday, March 2, 2013

An Assortment

It's been a while since my last post. Here is an assortment of what we have been doing. 

A flu bug made it's way through our house. Ugh. Here is Peter having a pretty good time during his sick day improvising a baseball tee with my old high school cheerleading megaphone. I'm just glad someone is using it. 

I left last weekend for a girls' trip with two fun friends. Ben stayed home with the kids and managed to get them to eat tilapia for dinner by bribing them with special treats and a movie. 

Peter's special treat was a Cadbury egg. I would have chosen the same thing. Nice job, Mister. 

Clara chose this gigantic cookie. Do you think she is happy to eat it?

Ben also took them to the Farmers Market the next day for strawberries. Yum. 

Afterwards, they went to the park to check out the (sort of gross) koi pond. 


This week, it was school as usual. Doesn't my Peter look like a big boy in this pic? Jeez, Peter, how old are you? 17? 

Clara loves wearing her "fancy" shoes, dresses and carrying her own lunch box. Big girl. 

Have a great weekend, everyone! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see these two in just a few days. They are so grown-up.