Ben and I have been trolling Craigslist for weeks, possibly months, looking for a BOB Revolution jogging stroller. We have been close to getting one twice, but each time we weren't quite fast enough and the strollers were sold to other people. Today was our lucky day! We were the first to respond to the Craigslist ad for this blue & silver stroller. It's sort of gigantic and we have no place to store it, but we're still pretty happy.
We met the lady who sold it to us in a parking lot in the valley. Not sketchy at all. Peter was excited.
Peter wanted to try it right away, so we stopped near the Farmers Market.
"I love it!"
While we were getting situated, this lady walked by with her dog in a stroller. Awesome. Only in LA. Maybe our next purchase will be a stroller for Myshka, and the four of us can go for family jogs together. Keep an eye out for photos of that.
Congrats! Sweet purchase.
Awesome!! I love that stroller! Let us know how you like it. I'm cracking up about the picture of the dog ---- Myshka DEFINITELY needs her own stroller! ;)
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