Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy Birthday, Peter!

I can't believe it, but Peter turned two on Thursday. Happy Birthday, Mister!

Here he is... such a grown up boy waiting to open his presents.

Ben's brother's family came from Chicago for the party. So fun! Here are all of the Apley cousins... Simon, Peter, Noah and Clara on her dad's lap. What a cute bunch!

"Hmmm...What's in here?"

"Frog rain boots?! These are the greatest!"

Peter has worn these boots almost non-stop since he received them.

Excellent family photo #1...

Excellent family photo #2. You'll probably see this one at Christmas.

Their photo turned out slightly better than ours.

The reason Peter was crying during the photos was because he saw the lake in the window and he NEEDED to see the water.

There is no one more obsessed with water than this little boy.

It was such a beautiful day for a party!

Peter invited his closest friends over for play dough and bubbles.

So fun!

The Apley girls... Me, a shy Clara and Aunt Ellen

Uncle Mitch and Grandpa Bob tended to the grill.

That's Grandma Dorothy behind Moe's hand.

Peter loved playing with his cousins.

"Mmmm... That play dough looks pretty good..."

Sweet Linley was by far the best at play dough.

And Posey loved checking out the arts and crafts accessories.

How much do you think they'll hate me for the matching outfits later in life?

The best part of the day? Blowing the candles.

Happy Birthday, Peter!


Dorothy said...

WOW - so much fun..and now he is two. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful birthday party. We will treasure these memories forever.

Sarah Richardson said...

So adorable! Looks like a perfect birthday celebration!!!

Erica said...

So cute.... congratulations.